These are unprecedented times. Experiencing the effects of environmental decline amid a pandemic are very challenging times, especially for today’s millennials, digital natives who were born with social media being a significant part of their daily living.
According to the recent 2020 Deloitte Global Millennial Survey, 57 percent of Filipino millennials feel stressed or anxious all or most of the time. Within this percentage, three problems stood out as the most pressing for this generation. With insights from a group of millennials, we break down their biggest concerns:
An unsafe world
Keeping up with news and information is beneficial, but social media has its downsides. “We want to know the facts but the more we know, the more scared, anxious, and even depressed we become,” expressed Kayce, 34. Now those fears have grown significantly since the onset of the pandemic.
It’s hard to avoid negative news but experts say that “doomscrolling” is a major contributor to the decline of our mental health. If you feel like you need to, taking a social media break is understandable. Hide your mobile device for a day or delete your social media apps for a week.

Unpredictable future
Despite millennials’ relentless optimism, they are still anxious about their security in the future. “Our experience in the last year showed us the reality that everything is uncertain and things can suddenly go south. These are the years that people of our age are supposed to get a steady footing in our careers, relationships, and the future. But all the plans we set up are no longer applicable,” shares Eunice, 32. Even people who felt secure in their finances went unscathed.
With such unpredictability, your best option is to seek professional advice. Financial advisors can give you specific suggestions depending on your current financial situation and provide you options so you can seek out plans you’re most comfortable with.
Lack of work-life balance
While many embraced the work-from-home setup, it has proven to have drawbacks. “Many are experiencing fatigue from working from home as it blurs the separation of our home lives and our work lives. And with opportunities for travel, leisure, and recreation limited by the lockdown, most people just don’t have any outlets to decompress and destress,” shares Reynand, 38. This has resulted in a significant mental slump for many professionals.
You may have had to sacrifice your home to your work but that doesn’t mean you need to give up your whole life to it. You can still create a line between your life and your work—physically and figuratively. Setting up a designated office space creates a physical boundary where work and life exists; outside of that space is your sanctuary. You should also discipline yourself to only work during work hours.
As new challenges present themselves every day, it’s imperative for millennials to make the right choices to improve their situation. “If the past year has taught me anything, it’s that I have to do something before it’s too late,” expresses Dan, 25.
Finding that right balance between work and life can be had at Gem Residences, SMDC’s first high-rise condominium property located right at the C5-Pasig stretch, providing easy access to major CBDs in Metro Manila, making it ideal for any working millennial. It provides a safe investment opportunity for millennials looking to secure their future. With thoughtfully designed amenities, professionals can conveniently shift from productivity to play whether they report to their office or work from home. Gem Residences boasts of a swimming pool, a playground, a yoga deck, working spaces, function rooms, and an outdoor exercise area, to name a few. It has its own commercial strip, which provides residents and visitors with immediate access to living essentials and to a variety of dining options.
Eunice says it best, “To have a safe space where we can enjoy our lives without any stress gives us respite. It is where we can come home to know it is a stable and secure place we can rely on.” Looking into owning a unit here? Visit the Gem Residences website.